Teaching Philosophy

Teaching Philosophy

I believe that every child can be taught to play an instrument; the degree of proficiency and artistry to which a student aspires, however, varies from child to child. The child's natural ability to play the instrument, the desire to excel, and the willingness to open the mind and the heart to the emotionally communicative joy music can bring are all variables I focus on with my students to bring about the most well-rounded musicians possible. My expectations and standards are very high for my students, and I expect their personal expectations to be at least equal to my own for them. I am not a teacher who believes in raising my voice, or belittling a student to bring about success. Realizing that I am dealing with young children, I adjust my teaching style to accommodate their varying personalities.

The hope I have for my students is that whether they go on to study music in college, ultimately establishing professional musical careers, or whether they simply enjoy playing the cello as a life's hobby, that an appreciation that goes beyond simply learning the mechanics of cello technique may be achieved.