Dual Track Studio Structure

Dual-Track Studio Structure

In light of the differences for why students play the cello, I have developed two tracks of study.

Aggressive Track

The aggressive track is a strenuous, time-sensitive, graded curriculum for students who wish to pursue a college degree in music. Students on the aggressive track must realize that cello will be their primary extracurricular activity, and that all other activities are secondary. Music is as specialized and competitive as any other profession. Acceptance into a good music program requires a great deal of self-discipline, skill and knowledge that goes beyond achieving technical and artistic proficiency on the instrument. I am very selective when accepting students into the aggressive track. I assess not only each student's potential for successful admission into music school, but also the parents' dedication to making that happen. Practicing at home for the lesson is no different than studying for the test in school; the lesson then becomes a weekly "test" of what was practiced at home. Preparation for acceptance into a top conservatory/school of music is no different than the preparation needed for being accepted into an ivy league college or university. If the decision is to pursue music, the same level of commitment and the sacrifice of other things to focus on technical mastery will be necessary. Successful completion of this program will result in a level of technical and artistic proficiency that will prepare the student for continued study in college. Because of the accelerated rate of study and focus on lesson material, classroom orchestra music, as well as All-State and/or Region music will not be extensively focused on in the lesson. Studio performances will be scheduled several times throughout the vear. Please note that a realistic assessment of the student's abilities and progress will be made prior to entering this track, and periodic evaluations will either affirm continued study. or recommend moving to the progressive track.

Progressive Track

For those students who desire to take cello lessons to become more proficient on the instrument, but do not wish to pursue music in college, the progressive track will use the same materials as the "aggressive track" but the expected rate of mastery will not be as quick. Like the aggressive track, orchestra music and All-State/Region music will not comprise the bulk of the lesson. Studio performances will be encouraged, but are not required.